Wednesday, December 04, 2002

طی چند نوشته تلاش دارم درباره ماهيت راديوتازه «فردا» و سياست های نوی فرهنگی ايالات متحده در برابر خاور ميانه اشاراتی بکنم.در نوشته اول نگاهی به زندگی آقای« نورمن پاتييز» مغز متفکرو مبتکر تلقی نو امريکايی از رسانه های همگانی ورابطه فرهنگی با خاور مياته ميکنم.

پرسش اول: آقای نورمن پاتييز کيست؟

Norman J. Pattiz is the founder and chairman of Westwood One, America's largest radio network company, which owns, manages or distributes NBC Radio Networks, CBS Radio Networks, the Mutual Broadcasting System, CNN Radio and Fox Radio News.
Mr. Pattiz serves on the Broadcasting Board of Governors of the United States, which oversees all U.S. non-military international broadcasting, including Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and Radio Free Asia. He is past President of the Broadcast Education Association, an organization of over 1,000 colleges and universities with programs in mass communications.
Mr. Pattiz received an Honorary Doctorate in Fine Arts from Southern Illinois University in recognition of his contribution to broadcast education. He serves on the Board of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California, the Communications Board of UCLA and the Dean's Advisory Board of the California State University, Fullerton. He is a member of California's Commission on Building for the 21st Century, the Board of Trustees of the Museum of Television and Radio and the Board of Directors of the Hollywood Radio and Television Society. Mr. Pattiz was appointed by Governor Davis to fill the remainder of a 12-year term, which expires March 1, 2004.

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